health services students

Student Health Services: The Clinic & Well

Medical and Mental Health Care

Welcome to Student Health Services


Finding and maintaining health and balance in life is a challenge, but the pay-offs are huge.

You have power to make positive decisions that affect your academic, social and personal goals now and in your future... and we're here to help!


Click Here to Schedule an Appointment


What does your student health fee cover?

Medical Care
Personal Counseling
Sexual Health
ANCHOR Program - Substance Abuse Counseling & Education
The WELL - Student Health Services' Wellness Program
Student Health 101 - Campus Well Online Magazine
Wellness Central - Online Health Information Tool


Bienvenidos!  Oprima aquí para servicios en español.

 How Can We Help You? Please fill out the Student Health and Wellness Services Request Form

Click Here For Request Form


Noticed somebody in Distress?

Assisting Distressed Students Guide

At-Risk Training - Learn how to approach an at-risk student and motivate them to seek help

Find out more about the At-Risk training