Computer Labs

Instructional Technology Committee

Committee Charge

Responsible to: Academic Senate and liaison to District Technology Committee

The Instructional Technology Committee (ITC) provides guidelines and leadership in the development and review of instructional technology for Educational programs.  This process is through program review which provides peer review for classroom planning of software and platform implementation.  The committee works in collaboration with the District Technology Committee in support of requested infrastructure to support classroom instruction and to meet college strategic goals and directions.

Functions and Responsibilities:
  • Provides guidance and leadership in the development of  technology tools used to facilitate instructional delivery in an accessible and equitable manner using DEIAA principles as a bridge to student success
  • In cooperation with Senate, establishes policy that impacts new use of  AI technologies
  • Tracks and reviews the development of generative AI  tools and their impact in the learning space as well as the development and efficacy of AI detection tools.
  • Provides oversight for ranking instructional  hardware/software and emerging technologies for Educational Programs. 
  • Serves as the advisory committee for the Faculty Resource Center (FRC). (Academic Senate Bylaws Approved January 13, 2021.) 
  • Makes recommendations for funding program review requests to acquire instructional computer technology and academic digital resources
  • Reviews grant initiative proposals, which include technology that adds to  college inventory which affects available refresh dollars from unrestricted general funds that increase support.and  Inventory.
  • Works in cooperation with the District Technology Committee (DTC) to set campus standards for Educational Programs. 

  • Provide a venue for faculty to demonstrate their use of instructional technology to improve student learning

Committee Responsibilities:

Committee membership is an important component in our "service to the college." Committee members are expected to attend regularly scheduled meetings, to actively participate, to contribute to and share fairly in the workload and responsibilities of the Committee, to consult and seek input as needed from the Division members they represent in order to represent the needs and concerns of the Division as a whole, and to maintain communication with Committee Chairs and Senate Representatives.


Your role as a division representative is to represent the point (s) of view of your Division. Report back to your division meetings to inform your colleagues of changes and discussions that may affect them. Bring questions and concerns back to the committee so we can hear all sides of the debate.

In initial discussions or rankings, you should feel free to present and press division views. Keep in mind the overall good of the student, faculty community and/or the college at large. Use your judgment to contribute broader ideas and viewpoints to encourage debate and consensus in order to make recommendations to Senate and/or the District Technology Committee.

The Academic Senate's Instructional Technology Committee is a standing group of the District Technology Committee (est. 2002).  ITC will continue to be an Academic Senate Committee and function accordingly with respect to the determination of its membership and reporting relationships to the Academic Senate. The District Technology committee is an advisory to the College Planning Council, which in turn is the advisory group to the College President.  Final authority rests with the President and Board of Trustees.

Division Representatives

Senate constitution/Bylaws membership:

1 Faculty Resource Center Director 11 faculty (1 from each division) 4 at-large faculty (no more than a total of 3 from any division) 1 Academic Senate liaison 1 CLRC Director (resource) 2 Classified CSEA reps (non-voting) 1 Educational  Programs Dean (liaison)




Educational Support (DSPS/FRC)

CHAIR - Laurie Vasquez

x 4329

Business, Vote

Angel Cardenas

x 3063

Educational Support- ESD/Library

Corrie Bott

 x 3760

English/English Skills, Vote

Jason File

x 3405

Fine Arts  (Humanities emphasis), Vote

Jim Mooy - sabbatical

x 5159

Health & Human Services, (Allied Health) Vote




Jason Miner

x 4067

P.E./Health/Recreation, Vote(Senate Liaison)

Kathy O'Connor

x 4122

Sciences,(faculty at large)

Patty Saito

x 4316

Sciences, Vote

Eric Bullock

x 3639

Social Sciences, Vote

Rebekah Rodriquez 

x 4436

SOML//Modern Languages, Vote

Laura Gardinali

x 3458

Technologies, Vote


x 3592





Jason Thornell


Therese Schweidler

x 3553

Resources (non-voting)



Educational Programs, Dean

Beth Taylor Schott

x 4016

Academic Senate liaison

Katie Laris

x 4297

Director, Faculty Resource Center

Rob Brown

x 3460

Voting Procedures -- (Article VIII: Committee Rules in Senate Bylaws): 

Faculty members serving on Academic Senate committees shall vote on a divisional representation basis; one vote per division. When more than one faculty member from a given division is appointed to a committee, those faculty will caucus to determine how to vote in order to best serve the interests of the division. In the alternative, each division may designate, through their Senator (s), one committee member to be the voting representative for that division.

Learn More


Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings


Additional Resources

Committee files and documents available for view/download