Safety Marshals

SBCC Safety Marshal Program
Safety Marshals are SBCC employees who assigned voluntarily with the primary role of facilitating the safe and orderly evacuation of campus buildings during emergencies, such as earthquake or fire or power outage.

Safety Marshal Duties:

    • Facilitate the safe and complete evacuation of campus buildings
    • Facilitate individuals to evacuate to the safest Evacuation Zone
    • If directed,  prevent building reentry 
    • Consolidate information - Report known injured or trapped persons to Law Enforcement or Fire Department emergency responders
    • Provide emergency First Aid to victims as qualified or necessary

Safety Marshal Communication / Structure: 
Floor Marshals report to Building Marshals, who report to their assigned Zone Marshals. This tiered structure is to ensure that timely and accurate information is ultimately communicated to the SBCC Emergency Operations Director, Incident Commander and/or Emergency personnel in the event of an emergency or disaster by the Zone Marshal.

Safety Marshal Kits (Red Bags)



Red Bags need to be in visible in offices

kit 2


Review bag contents each year and request materials by emailing Emergency Services, or coming to Campus Safety office

Safety Marshals are NOT expected nor required to put themselves in danger nor to conduct search and rescue. Safety Marshals do NOT play an evacuation role in Active Shooter or other man-made situations. Safety Marshal are trained to NOT put themselves in harms way.